
Business Strategy

CUTANEON develops patent-protected preclinical proofs-of-concept and early-stage clinical data sets and identifies novel actives that serve as a basis for bringing game-changing skin & hair products to market and promise to be expandable to product pipelines.

Our primary business model is to team-up with carefully selected industry partners on well-defined co-development projects that are based on a patent-protected proof-of-principle previously generated by CUTANEON, geared towards the joint development of innovative skin & hair products.

Alternatively, an industry partner can also team-up with CUTANEON to conceive & design a co-development project from scratch at a novel skin & hair research frontier that the industry partner wishes to occupy and for which development of an innovative product pipeline is desired.

Typically, the R&D costs and project outcomes (e.g., new IP, proprietary data) of these co-development projects are being shared between the industry partner and CUTANEON at a ratio of 9:1, with clearly defined milestones and exit options. Also, well-defined mechanisms are pre-agreed under which the industry partner can acquire the entire jointly generated new IP and/or can out-license CUTANEON’s patent(s) royalty-free for maximal freedom-to-operate, if and once desired.

Besides industry partners, potential investors can also invest in defined product development projects under the above conditions, thus, securing a defined segment of skin & hair product development for a future, profitable sale to industry partners searching for innovative technology. Alternatively, investors can become CUTANEON shareholders.

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